Sunday, December 19, 2010

The New Voices Anthology

Earlier in November, I submitted three pieces to Bemidji State University's New Voices anthology. I got two letters in the mail today, telling me that two of my poems were accepted, and one of them had also won something called the Langston Hughes prize for poetry.

From what I know, there are over a thousand submissions for New Voices every year. Of that thousand, fifty are chosen to be included in the anthology. Out of those fifty, six are given awards. I'm not sure if this makes me feel very, very big, or very, very small... I guess it's a little bit of both.

There's a reading at the beginning of April, where I'll be able to read both the accepted pieces and receive my two copies of the anthology as well as pick up more (which I'm sure I'll have to do--every relative I have will want one xD)

I am so excited and so dumbfounded, and so speechless. It's never been more than a dream to ever be published. And now it's more than that all of a sudden.

The poems: Midnight's Concubine and Indigo


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