Anything marked with a ☺ also appears on Emily's M101 list. We might do it together.
Anything marked with a ☻ Also appears on Shiloh's M101 list. We might do it together.
Start: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 (First day of third term, senior year)
End: Tuesday, October 22, 2013
- Go to a concert alone (with no one I know planning to be there)
- Finish a first draft of OETTS
- Start & finish a 365☻
- Go to a religious service somewhere non-Christian
- Go skinny dipping ☺
- Camp by myself (somewhere safe & reasonable)
- Get my license
Try yoga- Legitimately dance with someone and have it mean something
- Vote in every election after I turn 18 ☻
- Win all NaNoWriMos included in the time span ☻(Impossible; lost '10)
- Accumulate $1000 in my savings account
- See a play/live performance. (professional)
- Put together a photo album FOR MYSELF.
- Lose 25 pounds. Keep it off.
- Send a Postsecret card
Donate blood at least once ☺☻- Get my helix(es) and/or traguses pierced ☺☻
- Do not apologize unnecessarily for an entire day.
- Learn to cook a meal other than spaghetti. Make it for someone.
Sew a wearable article of clothingGo canoeing with Emily and Shiloh! Teach Em how to paddle. ☺Learn to play at least three songs on the guitar- Exchange at least three snail-mail letters with someone (3 on each side)
- Meditate 20 minutes a day for a week
- Make a mini documentary. Include interviews and other research.
- Find a recipe for Friendship Bread. Make it, and give the starter part to three other people.
- Make a family tree with some family stories from both sides.
- Pay off my library fee. Try not to add to it. ☻
- Complete another mosaic
- Submit photography for some kind of publishing/showing
- Do 50 total ninja notes or Nerdfighter notes. ☺
- Shoot and get prints of a roll of color film.
- Successfully fly a kite.
- Take a photobooth photo strip with someone.
- Do my “Ten Good Things About Today” list every day for a month
Get a tattoo. OR, decide for sure what one to get in the future.Do a Thoughts from Places video, vlogbrothers style. Photo instead of video is acceptable.Go to Rocky Horror in the most scandalous costume available.- Write and send letters to authors I admire—John Green, JKR, Stephen King
Do a photoshoot in a graveyard.- Spend one night walking around somewhere with someone. Like Bloomington. Or somewhere.
Attend a masquerade. Possibly throw it myself.- Go to at least three political or LGBTQiA rallies or events (excluding Pride)
- Write a list of 20 things I like about myself
Spend a day in Minneapolis, doing interesting things. Preferably with friends.- Bike to Fat Lorenzo's again. At LEAST twice.
- Write a letter to Ms Kiene at least a year after graduation. Sig, too, if I have her address.
See one or more of my “Bucket List Bands” live (Hurt, Modest Mouse, TBM, WT☺)Kiss someone first (before they kiss me)Completed March 17, 2011- Have one successful wheel piece that doesn't get lost or broken.
- Re-create the Boat/playground from Saugerties in clay.
- Climb the rock wall at REI
- Keep a scrapbook of the 101
- Do some version of the “someday runaway” plan for two weeks
- Go back to Kruger Caves
Build a snow fort and sleep in it.Completed February ??, 2011- Obtain one of these three: lomo/fisheye, Holga diptych shooter thing, or instant Polaroid. ☻
- Do the Minnesota AIDS walk ☻
- Do an all-natural detox at least once ☻
- Find out if I can re-start Irish Step as an adult beginner.
- Do a legitimate, planned-out self portrait shoot that I'm happy with. Post it on Facebook as well as Blank Page.
- Get my nose pierced
- Go to a strip club.
Dye my hair for at least a week- Figure out my shark week stuff.
{Private}- Attempt Script Frenzy. Possibly with a worthy partner.
- Try to grow vegetables on my deck in window boxes. Like carrots and peppers.
- Do a puppet show of a childhood book. (Like Rikki Tikki Tembo) Or re-create a Potter Puppet Pals episode. That's okay too.
- Have a successful Harry Potter Day/Victory at Hogwarts day. Repeat if possible.
- Do something creative/artistic for commission.
- Learn 100 words in ASL.
- Wear heels every day for a week.
{Removed}- Take a trip out of the country. Possibly similar to Shiloh's airport weekend.☻
- Be able to run an entire mile. Time doesn't matter, pace does.
- Buy a bikini. Wear it in public. Continue doing so.
- Create/decorate a “memory box” and put the journal envelopes, ect. in it.
- Find 10 photo editing tutorials and try them all.
- Buy and complete a Wreck This Journal or other prompt journal.
Make a set of wind chimes.- Get my face painted at a carnival or something like that
- Do a luminary path somewhere on Christmas, Halloween, and/or Fourth of July.
- Finish at least 3 journals (including the fern one I'm in right now) (1/3)
Have a glass of wine- Make and; give 5 music mixes for friends. (2/5)
- Go to the Gay Ninties
- Go on a solo adventure on the Bloomington train tracks.
Gamble at a casino.- Write a poem a day for a month (Not NaPoWriMo because it's the same time as Screnzy)
Have a picnic!- Re-learn 5+ constellations and be able to name and locate them.
- Create a collage (a piece of art, not a photo collage)
- Send a “care package” to 3 people (like Sam!)
- Try waxing. Area to be waxed is non specific.
Return to the East Coast. Hopefully see Hally in the process. ☺☻- Send five interesting postcards to Becca.
- Spend an all-nighter writing. (All-nighter meaning midnight until sunrise.)
- Purchase art from an artist I know (can be writing or visual)
- Ride in a hot hair balloon, or do some other open-air flying type activity.