Today, I got to spend time with three of the most important people in my life. These lovely souls have been my favorites for a while now, and I'd like to pretend I don't play favorites, I know that's a lie. Joe, Nathan, and Emily: I could live the rest of my life seeing no one but them (please, if you're reading this, don't take it the wrong way) and I would be happy. Despite the instability. Despite the pain. Despite the struggles and fights... or maybe because of them. Because they have been such an instrumental part in my life—in who I am and who I've become.
All of us are screwed up. Three of us are addicts of some sort. And of the three, I honestly believe that none of us would be where we are without EVERYONE I saw today.
Emily, Joe, and Nathan—I love you all so damn much. Never, ever forget that.
I have a feeling that this summer belongs to us. ♥
what's emily addicted to? besides love that is.
sounds like an amazing day. <3
@Hally: Emily's the one who ISN'T an addict ^^"
I was referring to Joe, Nathan, and myself.
Summmer. Yes. <3
Hum, there is a lot that I could say to this. I'll settle with this instead:
I'm glad you have those people, and I do hope with all my heart nothing comes in between you and them. It sounds like they are some very important people to you, and from what I've heard, you to them. It's a lovely bond to have and I'm glad you have it.
Be careful with playing favorites, though. It's a tricky game.
Have a lovely summer, dear.
Madison, please don't do this again. You know I didn't mean it like that.I say things without thinking, true, but many times I find it's easier to leave them as they are then go back and mangle it.
You know that I love you and you KNOW that you're one of my best friends. Don't attack my nuances right now, please, because I don't think I could talk well enough to explain them.
I'm not! Darling, I'm not at all - please don't feel that way. I understood your intentions, I was just replying to what you wrote - be careful playing favorites, because it's tricky. And it is. Playing favorites is a risky business.
I'm sorry you felt as if I was attacing you.
Fuck my dick, my 'k' key doesn't work very well right now.
If I'm missing any 'k's in that post, I'm sorry.
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