Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sickness! And some writing

Ci Pier: the old, weathered, broken boards that extend inexplicably out over the edge of the cliff, the thing your mother has told you time and again to stay away from since you were old enough to leave the back yard of your whitewashed little house, the one with the green trim and the peeling paint and the smell of salt on the long dry grass. You asked her about it once. You were small, and she simply snapped that it was something you didn't need to know about and sent you out of her kitchen. You accepted it, because that's just what you did when Mother told you things. After all, you were young.

The first time you dug up enough guts and went down to the Pier, you were eight. Billy Caruthers double-dog-dared you to go out to it and step on the second board; to see if it was really there, or if it was, as he said, a "mirrorage." He ignored you when you tried to tell him it was mirage, but that was okay; he ignored pretty much everybody anyway. You were scared walking through the long grass to the weathered, salt-encrusted planks. They didn’t have any supports keeping them from plunging into the ocean, yet they never did, no matter how strong the winds or how hard the rains. Just as you were about to cave in to his taunts and take the first step, your mother emerged from the weathered green door that matched the shutters and began shouting, waving her apron at you, which she had just taken off. Her face was as red as her hands, the big pink fists that were scrubbed raw from too much cleaning. The rest of the children scattered as she marched over and dragged you by your ear back into the house, lecturing about the dangers of the cliffs and the strength of the wind and ohyoucouldhavedied and howmanytimeshaveIsaidthis?

So, this is an except from my latest writing project. You can find the entire first part here if you'd like to read it.

Other than that, not a lot is going on. I was home sick today, but my best friend Emily came over and made some pasta with me, and now I'm watching the episode of V that I missed. I feel much better.

What's something that makes you feel better when you're sick?


Madison Rae said...

Hot chocolate and a lot of Boy Meets World.
I can't wait to read more of Ci Pier. ♥

Anonymous said...

i really like ci pier. i want to read more! {and know more about this project}. feel better <3

Sarah said...

Thanks you guys! I have a good feeling about this project. I really do. It's so exciting--I haven't had this happen in forever.

Also, I feel much better now (I'm actually sitting in Japanese at the moment xD)

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