Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer's Swift Approach

I'm sitting in my kitchen, looking out the sliding glass doors . It's 9:20, and I can still see a considerable amount of light in the Eastern sky. I love it—and at the same time, I'm trying not to think about the fact that it only gets lighter for another month. After that, the daylight starts receding. Oh, well; at least until September the daylight is more than the dark hours.

Summer seems to be coming very, very quickly, and I can't help but fear that this means it will also pass by quickly. This is cut out to be the busiest summer I've ever had, and it sort of scares me. Sort of. In other ways, I can't wait—I feel like I'm fighting against ropes tied to my wrists, straining to run head-long into June. Part of this is because the weather here has been much, much hotter than normal for this part of the country at this time of year. It's nearly 9:30 and the thermometer reads at 89º F. It feels like mid-July instead of late May. The air conditioner has been on in our house since Saturday, simply to make the humidity bearable. Our neighborhood pool opened its gates a week early because of the nice weather.

It's making me impatient.

More than that, I feel almost desperate to be done with the next three weeks. The thought of fighting through an entire new unit in Astronomy and Japanese seems nearly impossible. Sitting through final exams on the 10th and 11th of June seems so far away, it's torture. I can't remember ever being this desperate to get out of school. Excited, impatient, sure, but never desperate like this.

So many exciting things are happening so soon.

This weekend, Emily and I are driving to Sioux Falls, South Dakota (actually, my dad is driving, we're just along for the ride xD) with my my brother and two of his friends to see our two very favorite bands in the Unite & Fight tour—Flyleaf and Fair to Midland. It's a four-hour trip one way, and we're not planning on getting back until about four in the morning on Sunday. I am so excited, I can hardly try to explain it.

Then, after U&F, there's almost two weeks with nothing—a wasteland stretch until the end of school, on June 11th. Actually, the seniors (including Nathan) graduate on the 9th. His party is the 12th, and the lovely Madison's birthday party is the 14th. My first camping trip with ALP is just over a week later—and then my summer picks up speed so fast, I can almost see the calendar blurring.

However, a wise friend of mine once wrote, I will learn from my yesterdays. I will be thankful for my todays. I will be hopeful for my tomorrows. And I will be grateful and remember that the Universe has blessed me every moment in between.”

Here's to Summer 2010—may it be the best one yet: speed, surprises, and all.



Madison Rae said...

You quoted me!

I am feeling the exact same way, but I, unfortunately, have nothing tying me down to the schoolwork I know I need to be doing.
I am, however, grateful for the summer program my school has enlisted: if in the next three weeks I can finish three out of five of my classes (a doable feat), I can retake the other two over the summer. Thank God.

Anyhow. This summer does promise to be incredibly busy, but I think that it's for the best: busy summer with best friends, what else could you ask for in the time of your life? (That's what these years are, after all, or should be in the most innocent term.)
I personally can't wait for it, to be honest. Everything about it is screaming wonderful at me.

♥ It's gonna be fantastic.

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