So, recently I've been extremely focused on my new story that I'm writing. You can find the first part here. The concept for the story originally came from this picture—which was originally a woodcut that a friend of mine did freshman year. I did the colors in Photoshop with her permission just to amuse myself. I've since lost the original print and scan, which makes me quite sad. Anyway, the man in the picture inspired most of Ci Pier at the beginning, and I started sketching characters last week. The picture at the top of this post is my drawing of the carnival man.
Hand drawn in pencil, scanned, and colored in Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8. The background images are both mine as well.
His name is Quince Niblo, and all I really know so far is that he runs Midland Fair. He hasn't even been written into the story yet, but I know that his mother, Granny Niblo, and his daughter, Abigail Niblo, are also in the story—I have a drawing of Abigail that I'm coloring next, I think. His wife, Kyla, might be involved too, but... I can't tell yet.
I'm also in the middle of trying to draw Mother, but it's being difficult. So I don't know if/when I'll have that done.
Anyway. Yeah, I'm almost officially obsessed.
Also! The lovely ghostlybird has offered to write something on the piano as the carnival music! I'll let you all know when I hear it!
wow, i can't wait to see the sketches and read more! i'm officially like really into this. <3
Thank you honey! =) I'm really into it too; I like it. It's been a while!
I'm glad I have some fans though ^_^" It's always easier to write when you have someone looking forward to reading it!
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